Tuesday, March 15, 2011

A List of Other Things That Reznor Isn't Doing

So Trent Reznor of Nine Inch Nails isn't going to be in an Abraham Lincoln vampire film. Neat. Well guess what else he's not doing...

A few weeks ago, news broke about Reznor's busy upcoming schedule which included: the soundtrack for The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, a mini-series for Year Zero, new material for How to Destroy Angels, new material for Nine Inch Nails, and... not only was it announced that he'd be writing the soundtrack, but that he'd also be acting in Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter (which I can only image will be as stupid as the title implies that it is). Oddly enough, this bizarre news bit didn't get much news coverage. But then Reznor issued a statement through the NIN forums:
"Don't believe everything you read. As it turns out, I WON'T be working on (acting or scoring) [Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter] after all. There's no juicy story here, it's just that when the news mysteriously leaked out about my involvement I hadn't made up my mind completely, because various aspects of the project were changing. I felt the need to say something earlier this week because my inbox was filling up with speculation, and at that moment I thought I would be doing it. Confused yet? Apparently I am. Bottom line, I wish them the best with the film and I'm sure it will still be great."
And then BOOM, the internet blew up with news that he WOULDN'T be working on the film. From what I saw, there far more coverage about him not doing the film than him doing the film. Why couldn't those that reported this unconfirmed rumor just retract their statements, and those that didn't report on it just go throughout their day as if nothing happened?

So for kicks, I thought I'd come up with a list of other things that Trent Reznor won't be doing, and hopefully the internet will explode a second time and publish my list all over the place!

  • The Nine Inch Nails frontman will not be recording a country album later this year.
  • Reznor was originally planning on eating a sandwich from Subway for lunch today until he realized that Quiznos is a far superior franchise.
  • Last week he walked into a Buckle clothing outlet store to buy some Affliction brand tee shirts, but quickly walked out after discovering they make the wearer look like a complete tool and also totally clashed with his collection of plain grey or black tees. (Update: based on a Google image search, he also owns a plain green shirt, a black tank top, and a tux -- though the latter might have just been rented for the Grammys and the Oscars.)
  • Reznor contacted Kayne West to record vocals for all the instrumental Ghosts I-IV tracks, but Def Jam Records (West's record label) refused to license out his work.
  • He was eyballing some beach-front property in northern Japan for a vacation house, but decided against it due to recent events.
  • His sextape was going to be released under a BY-NC-SA Creative Commons License, but the artistic footage of his "o-face" was misplaced in the studio.
Anything else that should be added to this list?

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