Monday, August 1, 2011

Let's Start a Rumor: Deftones Have a New Song Titled "Chillers" Floating Around

In my free time (which I seem to have a lot of lately) I love to mindlessly surf the web as many bored Americans do. Generally I end up a lot more bored than I started out, but yesterday I may have discovered a little gem. Supposedly there's a studio recording of a Deftones song out there called "Chillers" from the group's mysterious unreleased album tentatively titled Eros. [Update: It's fake.]

Just a recap for those of you unfamiliar with Eros: Deftones wanted to quickly write a follow up to their 2006 album Saturday Night Wrist--which was met with pretty mixed reviews. The recording sessions marked the first time the members got along really well for the first time in many years, and they seemed rather confident that this new material was their best yet (a far too common uttered phrase in the music industry, but given the circumstances it seemed more applicable here).

Everything was sunshine and kittens as some of the final touches were being added to the album until disaster stuck. Deftones bassist Chi Cheng was involved in a serious car accident in fall of 2008 and the album was put on hold for the time being. As Cheng lay in a coma, the rest of the group decided to push forward and write a new album, Diamond Eyes. The group still want to release Eros, but there's no immediate plans to do so.

The only music from Eros that has been publicly released to date was YouTube footage of a song titled "Melanie", and bits of various songs used as interludes to their studio updates from 2008. Or so I thought...

My random web surfingz yesterday turned up something rather intersting: there's a studio recording of a Deftones song called "Chillers" floating around the internet somewhere that's supposedly from these mysterious and lost Eros sessions. However, I cannot find it anywhere.

According to several posters at Shared Lungs, the song is out there. One poster asked what songs from these sessions had been released, and the response he got was: "we have a live track called melaine and a studio track called chillers. melaine is alright, but chillers is amazing and breathtaking."

So I turned to Google to find this slice of gold, and I was immediately given dozens of websites hosting the lyrics to this song. Here's an excerpt from the alleged song from ST Lyrics:
Born to lick the tongue from the heaven that's flaming away!!!
A subtle passion of da "snowboard" ... ripen in ya heart a'liked a cursed;
Since the loose procesed of the times 'n the iced falls, i feel fuckin' rage,
another trick to bleed the plague that hunts me until the end... and its a vague pain that
influences me to fuck fly ya sequel!!!
Pray!! let me fly!! CHILLERS!!! that burn the sky...
Pray!! i can fly!! CHILLERS!!! tear the sky.
i grab your world, i jump to the sky...
i feat my life and i provoke you to fly...
Hm. This doesn't really seem like something Chino Moreno would write. His lyrics are typically rather vague and have a heavy emphasis on imagery. These lyrics are almost explicitly describing snowboarding and getting some big air off some jumps. And does so in a rather cheesy way.

But then I think of the lyrics to "Back to School" which explicitly and describes remembering highschool in an almost cheesy way. Had I read the lyrics to that song in 1999 before the release of White Pony, I might have said it was a fake too.

A combination of crap lyrics and then being completely unable to find a download or a YouTube video for the song makes me think this is fake. I should be able to find any song on the internet with a simple Google search, but a song that's in high demand like this should be virtually plastered all over the internet.

I call bullshit, but I'd be open to believing this with some more concrete evidence.

[Update] It's a fake. I left my browser open over night, and after refreshing the forum discussion, there's several new posts that I missed. Apparently these lyrics have been floating around the internet for a while, but are obviously not written by Moreno or Deftones. It looks like one poster just wanted to prank another poster by saying "Chillers" is a real song. And with lyrics for the song all over the net, it almost seemed plausible. Oh well, I'll leave this post up to remind myself of how gullible I am and how excited I get over the smallest Deftones news.

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