Sunday, September 1, 2013

Update on Crosses: New material coming, signed to Sumerian

New interview reveals new details on new material from Crosses.

Epilepsy-inducing GIF seemingly teases
Crosses' third and unreleased EP. 
Based on the title of this article and the intro, I'm not entirely sure Noisey realizes the little gold nugget they've uncovered about Crosses.

If you've been paying attention at all to what Chino Moreno has been up to lately, the interview basically covers bases that have already been covered about Palms and Eros and Deftones -- nothing really ground-breaking. But then halfway through, Moreno opens up about Crosses and reveals new details that haven't been mentioned before.

In my last post on Crosses, I was really curious about the band's previously mentioned third EP. Earlier this year, Crosses announced they were recording something, but what they were recording and the status of previously recorded material were both unknown.

But according to this new interview, Moreno revealed that Crosses have signed with Sumerian Records to release the third EP in October, and have also "recorded a bunch of material." So now we know we're still getting that third EP (I'm also pretty sure I was the only person freaking out about this), Crosses are in good hands with Sumerian and we'll definitely see "a bunch" more Crosses in the future. Full-length in 2014?

Sumerian Records is home to Animals as Leaders, The Dillinger Escape Plan, Born of Osiris, and recently, Darkest Hour.

And, I'm not sure if this has been said before, but Moreno also mentioned Crosses was working with Gil Sharone of Stolen Babies, The Dillinger Escape Plan and Mark Hoppus of Blink-182's side-project +44.

Below is a 30-second teaser and the full chunk of the Noisey interview about Crosses.

You mentioned that when you have any down time, you like to make music. What’s going on with Crosses, Team Sleep, and your other projects?Crosses has recorded a bunch of material and we have a third EP that’s ready to go. We just signed a deal with Sumerian Records to release it. We’re thinking of putting it out in October and doing a couple shows around then. I’ve also been working with [Stolen Babies drummer] Gil Sharone, [Crosses member] Chuck Doom, and my buddy Todd [Wilkinson], who plays [guitar] in Team Sleep. We always hang out and make music. We all got together for the Guitar Center “Drum Off” that Gil did [in March 2013]. We wrote five or six tunes and played the gig. It’s all instrumental at this point. I just turned 40, and I’ve realized that I like having a regular output of music and doing it consistently, whether it ends up in record format or if it doesn’t come out at all. As much as I can do it now, creating music with other people is definitely fun. It’s my number one hobby. I’m not too much into video games or other things. I like to spend my time creating stuff with friends.
[Full interview here

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