Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Great Music Brought to You Today by... Car Makers and Television Networks?

A new/old Mastodon song was released today. Old in that it's a B-side from Crack the Skye, but new in that it's previously unreleased. But it wasn't released by Mastodon or even Reprise/Warner Bros. (their label), it was released in a joint venture between Adult Swim and the new Kia Soul.

I'm not sure if I'm just now noticing this, or if this has been going on for a long long time and I'm just now noticing it, but it seems like more and more companies are starting to sponsor a lot of groups.

I don't fully understand the presumably symbiotic relationship. It looks like the company will sponsor the band on their website, while the group will sponsor the company with posters at concerts, but that doesn't seem to be mutually beneficial in my eyes. The company will offer a free download, while passersby will simply see a poster during a show. Or see the company's logo when downloading said song. It seems like the bands have the greatest benefit here, especially when the company will throw some cash at the bands to perform a show.

I feel like there's something I'm missing here, because that doesn't make much sense. Actually, I don't really understand sponsorship/commercials in general. I've never been motivated to eat at McDonalds just because I saw their greasy ass burgers (add a hyphen where ever you like there). BUT, why complain? Especially if I'm getting some awesome free music!

The official music video for Mastodon's "Deathbound"

Not only did Mastodon release a song--because, well, anyone can just do that. But they recorded one of the sickest music videos I've seen in a long time. I previously expressed by disinterest in music videos altogether, but this video just made me really really happy. Epic battles during movies these days are kind of overplayed, but never before have I seen an epic battle among puppets in the magical kingdom from Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood.

The song is titled "Deathbound" and it was clearly not released with the rest of Crack the Skye because it's way heavier and faster than anything else on that album. It's supposed to be available for free download here later today, which I highly recommend.

The single is part of Adult Swim's 2011 Singles Program, which puts out free downloads of previously unreleased songs by various artists of various genres. This year's compilation also includes songs by Best Coast, How to Dress Well, and Ford & Lopatin--with four more to be announced in the coming weeks. Their 2010 edition (available here) featured a B-side of High on Fire's Snakes for the Divine--which I also recommend.

But Adult Swim's greatest compilation they've released to date (full list here) would have to be Metal Swim. It's track list includes songs from Torche, Red Fang, Black Cobra, Jesu, Kylesa, a rare song from Pelican, and a previously unreleased (in America) song by Isis.

So what do you say? Do you suddenly feel like watching Superjail, Children's Hospital, Venture Bros., and Robot Chicken? Me neither.

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